Covid Protocol

In accordance with the state-mandated COVID-19 guidelines, I has instituted the following protocols:

You must reschedule if within 14 days of your appointment you have been in contact with anyone showing symptoms or anyone who has been diagnosed with Covid-19.

If you have had a new or worsening cough, if you have had a fever, If you have had shortness of breath within 72 hours of your appointment you must reschedule.

Contact me immediately if you need to reschedule.

Come to your appointment by yourself. If you have a special circumstance that requires someone to accompany you please discuss it with me before the day of your appointment. 

Regardless of your vaccination status you must wear a clean, well-fitting mask that covers your nose and mouth. Double masking is preferred. Do not remove the mask while you are in the studio, and try to avoid adjusting or touching the outside of your mask. If you do not have a mask, I will provide you with a disposable one. 

Sanitize your hands immediately after coming in.

For the entire time we are together, try to maintain a minimum six-foot distance between us, with the exception of during the tattoo procedure.

These measures are part of my continued commitment to the health of myself, my other clients, and our community. I appreciate your cooperation.